Bear Rank
The Bear rank is for Scouts entering 3rd grade as of June 1. To earn the Bear badge, a Scout must complete six required adventures and one elective adventure. The Scout’s parent or guardian and Den Leader approves each requirement by signing the Scout’s book, and the Scout receives an adventure loop for each adventure. When the Scout has met all requirements, they are presented the Bear badge during an impressive ceremony.
Bear Advancement Requirements
Complete the six Bear Required Adventures.
Complete one Bear Elective Adventure of your den or family’s choosing.
With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.
Earn the Cyber Chip award for your age (or the Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure in its place).
Bear Required Adventures
Council Baloo the Builder
Bear Claws
Bear Necessities
Fellowship and Duty to God
Fur, Feathers and Ferns
Paws for Action (Duty to Country)
Bear Elective Adventures
After earning the Bear badge, a Bear Scout can work on the remaining 12 Bear electives until finished with the third grade (or turning 10 years old).
The Scout can choose elective adventures and discover new hobbies or learn skills that will be useful during the Scouting adventure. When an elective adventure is completed, an additional adventure loop to be worn on the belt is awarded.
A Bear Goes Fishing
A World of Sound
Bear Picnic Basket
Beat of the Drum
Critter Care
Grin and Bear It
Make It Move
Marble Madness
Roaring Laughter
Salmon Run
Super Science
Belt Loops can be earned by any Cub Scout. Belt loops and pins are a great way to help fulfill the aims of Scouting—build character, develop citizenship, and encourage mental and physical fitness.
Through a variety of subjects, you can stretch your mind and abilities by exploring the wonders of science, learning about the world, and expanding skills in new areas. This is a chance to try something new, do your best, and earn recognition all at the same time.